Sunday, 9 February 2014

Sack the bast....!re Rupert

----- Original Message -----
From: g87
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 4:37 PM
Subject: Sack the bast....!

Dear Mr Carter,
I am appreciative of The Australian's broad attitude to Israel; most of your journalists like the esteemed Greg Sheridan are great.
So are most of your irregular contributors.
Unfortunately you run international agencies' news stories which are at times dubious.
EG.: AFP, Reuters - who years ago won the prize for dissembling with that INFAMOUS Israeli soldier photo.
But I expect better from you guys: you have control over Lyons:  you should sack the basta.....!
He regularly wrecks Mr Murdoch's good name!
You have other pathetic writers - like Isaac Rabinowitz: he and Lyons compete which can better abuse the Middle - East's only democracy!Both disgraceful.
How many anti - semitic articles of his / theirs do you want to glibly explain away blaming it on the sub - editor?
I could list 25 biased items over the year or so. Please do not challenge me to delienate details.
The sub - editor was indeed merely writing what is egregiously represented in Lyons' article!
Lyons and his predecessor Martin Chulov are representative of the worst of The Age!
I understand that your response to me was the result of my email to Rupert Murdoch - see cc above -  and as you have clearly confused my name in mail - merge with a Mr Magar - which should be Magyar  by the way - you have confirmed that many people have complained.
Veciferously, indubitably. Justifiably.
Do you want to appoint me as correspondent to Ramalah? Where do I send my resume?
I will need the IDF protection - but promise to lodge decent stories that will give you - my incipient boss - a warm inner glow.
And Mr Murdoch will be pleased; much cheaper than the leftist scams tat Labor is being reported on in your broadly great paper.
Why not read the links - to bring yourself up to speed?
Kind regards
Geoff Seidner
That is SEIDNER - not Magar or MAGYAR
13 Alston Grove East St Kilda 3183
Ph 03 9525 9299
----- Original Message -----
From: Cater, Nick
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 3:48 PM
Subject: The Weekend Australian

Dear Mr Magar

The publication of an inaccurate and misleading headline on page 13 of The Weekend Australian, "Living under the cloud of Israel's cruel apartheid" is a matter of deep regret. The headline was a reference to a contentious view expressed by a person interviewed in the article, and should not have been read as a statement of fact. The Australian rejects any comparison between Israel’s democratic, open and secular civil society and the abhorrent, discriminatory system of government that prevailed in South Africa until 1994.

The Australian has a clear policy of distinguishing fact from opinion, but in this case a poor headline, written against the pressure of deadlines, has let our readers down. We are conducting a review of our production process to ensure that such a serious lapse of editorial standards does not occur again. I will be reminding staff that particular care should be taken in the use of words that are capable of causing offence.

I would like to assure you that The Australian's editorial position towards Israel remains unchanged.

Kind regards

Nick Cater
Editor The Weekend Australian
The Australian
Level 2, 2 Holt Street, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010
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