Wednesday 7 March 2012

Discordant dirge of Labor

Created 9.08 am Wednesday 7/3/12

Discordant dirge of Labor
There are at least five great opinion pieces extant in your 'hate' media that Steven Conroy and  Bob Brown would so describe.
Worse - never does the thought occur to 'Chief Censor' Ray Finklstein or Brown et al that indeed there is not much to commend in this worst of leftist / green governments.

Perhaps you could commend Wayne for temporarily taking the heat of Julia? True courage / courageous decision.
She of course  very rarely writes - preferring other means of winning the 'race to the bottom'.

Plainly,writing good - news when they mess up everything is inimical to basic journalism.

You have demolished the discordant dirge of Swan, which barely approaches Rudd's 6000 word tripe in the same magazine.

Labor should be ashamed of trying to silence basic criticism. This mob will be remembered for all the wrong things.

At least the ABC sometimes has a go: last night Chris Uhlmann gave Brown an uncomfortable time.
Emma Alberici has been mainly excellent too.

Who wants to censure them?

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